BEAT for Spotify
Roles: Technologist, User Researcher, and Designer
3 weeks in Winter 2021
My goal in this project was to explore an existing technology to the fullest extent for a possible use case using precursory algorithms as precedents. Through many weeks of technology exploration prior to this assignment, I was able to gain a knowledge base in pulse and heart rate sensing technology embedded in modern wearable wrist technology.
This resulted in the creation of BEAT. It is a new Spotify feature that syncs the users’ Apple Watch with Spotify usage. BEAT measures BPM, down selects songs to match a song with mirrored BPM that also meets a series of setting selections and plays the song to define a personalized seamless music listening experience.
Research to Concept Generation
To complete this concept successfully, I took on addressing the three critical aspects of this project. This first is to gain an understanding of the current technology embedded in wearables that lead to heart rate and pulse measurements often reflected in health readings. In conjunction to this assessment, I selected a cohesive design language that complements the market environment in which the heart rate and music application will work at the intersection of data creation (the heartbeat) and data consumption (the music). Utilizing design training, I pushed to implement this design language across a series of screens on multiple devices to tell the primary use case and flow. The third aspect of this was to discover methods of technical implementation using existing algorithms and examples.
Design Implementation
Once the technology, platforms, and partners were identified, I was able to implement the concept through the existing design language outlined in public Spotify documentation. Through this, BEAT was designed out of the goal to create a new cohesive feature that would bring together heart rate monitoring and music in an exciting format.
This project was another confirmation in my interest to be a strategic thinker with a concentration in new ventures that optimize existing technologies to elevate the human experience. My strengths as a multidisciplinary strategist can be seen in the ability to utilize design, technology, and strategy to form compelling and innovative solutions.